Import customs regulations.
If you are 18 years old or over you may import with no customs duty:
- Up to 250 g of cigarettes, cigars and other tobacco products
- Up to 2 liters of undistilled alcoholic beverages and 1 liter of distilled beverages
You are prohibited from importing the following:
- Water pipe tobacco products
- Sugarcane and sugarcane parts
- Micro-organisms
- Soils
- Pornographic materials and obscene literature
- Such types of weapons as brass knuckles and switchblade
There are restrictions to importing the following:
- Agricultural items require declaration to Customs or the Ministry of Agro-Industry & Food Security representative to undergo phytosanitary examination. It is imperative due to possible dangers foreign species may pose to the environment of Mauritius.
This includes:
- Handicrafts, made from unprocessed animal material or dried plant material
- Laboratory materials, such as plants and animal specimen and samples
- Used equipment which may contain soil and equipment related to animals
- Plants and seeds
- Wooden furniture
- Fruit and vegetables
- Domestic pets require Import Permit from the Veterinary Service of the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security before importation. Upon arrival, animals must be declared to Customs for examination of the animal and the permission. Also animals may have to undergo one month quarantine before release. In addition to hotels in Mauritius may charge extra for a pet living room
- Firearms and weapons require Police permit. Upon arrival, weapons must undergo declaration to Customs and will be detained by the police for examination of both the permission and the weapons
- Prescription medicines require legible prescription and must not exceed three month supply
- Controlled drugs require legible prescription and must not exceed one month supply
- For controlled medicines you will need verification from the Government Pharmacist of the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life
- Sums equal to or exceeding 500000 MUR (mauritian rupees) require declaration at Customs
If you have any other question concerning customs regulations in Mauritius or need a clarification on one of the present issues – feel free to inquire further details. Our specialists will gladly answer any of them. You can always contact us via e-mail or phone call.