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Reservation Line: (230) 696 6000

"Biscuiterie Rault" - Cassava Biscuits Production & Tasting

LocationSouth East Ville Noire, Mahebourg
Operating Hours09:00 - 15:00
Operating DaysMonday - Friday
Duration1 hrs 30 mins
Activity TimeFlexible
TransportationOffered as Supplement
CommentOnsite tasting is offered at an extra charge.

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+(230) 696 6000

The “Biscuiterie Rault” is a cassava biscuit factory which was founded in 1870 by Mr. Hilarion Rault, the youngest of the family Rault.

A visit to the factory will make will not only make you discover the craftsmanship production of the famous cassava biscuit but also to immerse in the history of Mauritius and the village of Mahébourg.

The tour begins with the weighing of cassava, and right away a plunge in history by discovering the ancient weighing equipment dated from 1839. The weighing machine of make H.Pooley & Sons was brought from Liverpool in Britain.

Then it's around the washer-peeler machine (homemade) that you’ll continue the visit. To discover the process of turning the roots into Cassava flour

Cassava flour is then sieved manually before being mixed with the other ingredients and cooked on the plates of the oven fed with sugar cane leaves.


And within minutes of baking the cookies are ready to be packed, another step that is expertly made by hands.

Booking Attributes

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This option allows you to reserve a place for the chosen activity on a particular time and date that suit you most. Please enter your preferred date for going on the activity. You should also note that if you select an activity with duration of more than 1 day, the date you indicate in the form is the date on which you would like to start the activity.

(Valid for 3 months)

When selecting an Open voucher option, you have an opportunity to choose your preferred date for this activity during a later period (for example, when you already know the whole schedule of your trip) and not during making your order. This option gives you maximum flexibility regarding the date of the selected activity. The open voucher is valid for 3 months, it means that you can use it to go on the activity during this period from the date of its purchase.


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