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Reservation Line: (230) 696 6000

Mauritius Air Activities

Corail Helicopteres

Corail Helicopteres

A helicopter sightseeing is an invitation to sublimate your Mauritian experience from a bird-eye view. It is also an opportunity to capture the different eras of our island genesis. Flying over the remnant of volcanism including plains, calderas, plateaus and reliefs dating from million years and...

Skydiving in Mauritius

Skydiving in Mauritius

High speed, impetuosity, adrenaline burst, absolute free-fall thrilling experience, breathtaking views over the Indian Ocean – those are just a few words of the lucky ones who have experienced skydiving in Mauritius. Jump from a Cessna 182 with a free fall from 10000 ft. lasting...

As from 372€
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